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Bumbleride Indie Twin Stroller Review

July 25, 2012

Consumer Rating:

[toc]The Indie Twin Stroller is the first ever and only (for now) side-by-side stroller launched by Bumbleride back in 2008. The latest version was released in April 2011. It is tailored for those who are having twins or second baby. It can fit infants up to bigger toddlers. And it has all the great features […]

Britax B-Agile Double vs Baby Jogger City Mini Double 2011

July 6, 2012

The Britax B-Agile and Baby Jogger City Mini strollers have always been compared with each other. They have almost the same design and style whether it is a single or a double stroller. Controversies aside, we have enumerated the specifications and features where the two differ.     Product Britax B-Agile Baby Jogger City Mini […]

Britax B-Agile Double Stroller Review

July 6, 2012

Consumer Rating:

[toc]Last April this year, Britax announced their latest model of strollers, The B-Agile Double Stroller. Following the success of the B-Agile stroller, the company decided to release the same kind of stroller and double its capacity. Yes, the B-Agile Double Stroller is their first take on side-by-side strollers. (Feel free to review the different types […]